Thursday, February 27, 2014

Singing Again

I started singing again last week. I suppose I started again a while ago. But I decided to earnestly begin to work my voice out and actually get better. I've been trying to make sure I sing for an hour every day, at least 20 minutes of that being time spent on exercises pushing my boundaries. I want to be able to have better range and tone then I ever have. Really, I don't think that will be difficult, since I don't think I have ever focused so specifically on working out my voice. At least, not since I was very young.

It is actually amazing to see my progress.  Already I can tell that my range, control and sound are improving.

I'm not sure why I stopped singing. I had several years where I hardly sang at all. At the time, I was in and out of depression. And I didn't feel as close to my husband either. I suppose I was self conscious. My voice was lost.

But now I have found it again. And I love it.

We'll just see how much everyone living with me can handle it...

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