Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Why...

So my blog. Why? What is the point of doing this?

Well, I love to learn. I love to explore new areas of thought. At least, new for me. I look at all the information out there, the richness of expression that can be experienced and I can't help myself. I just want to soak it all up.
I guess I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and truth.  

Now because I have such a drive to learn a little about anything I can get my hands on, I have a ton of information to that is just sitting there. But I figure I can't be the only one like that out there. I can't be.
I am always reading about something new. I really can't seem to focus on one topic for longer then a week at a time. Maybe two, maximum. And it drives my husband crazy. Actually, it drives me crazy. Yet I value that so much too. When I have more information and ways of thinking and topics of study I feel like I get a better picture of how the world works. Maybe that isn't possible to be true. But the fact that I know that no matter how much I learn, I can't ever completely understand how the world functions, I attribute to having started to try. But the info I have gained, however incomplete it may be must have some value to someone. I can't be the only one who wanted to learn about it.

But there is more to it than that. I love my life. And I love people. 

Don't misunderstand that. I am an introvert. Through and through. I love my house. It is so much easier to be comfortable here. With my little family, that knows and understands me, but love me anyway. And large groups make me uncomfortable. Heck, small groups make me even more uncomfortable. Unless I have really good friends there with me. Or a specific job to do. In fact, I'm a weird introvert. I can stand in front a group of 300 people for public speaking and I'm totally fine. But get me in a group of three acquaintances, and I am so awkward. Wow. I don't know that I've ever confessed that. 

But I genuinely, and completely want the people around me to be as happy as they possibly can. Not just happy, but healthy. Especially emotionally. In fact, that is one the most important things in the world to me. One of my driving forces. But I don't just want that for me. Or just my kids, or husband, or mother, or Joe across the street. I really want it for everyone around me. Anyone who I might meet, who I may touch in anyway. For my global family.

So these two character traits have made me really passionate. And opinionated. I don't have all the answers. I can't. But I have things I believe can help. And I'm tired of sitting still, not sharing what I have. Maybe my answers aren't right for everyone. Maybe they aren't right for you. But they might help someone. Our world has so much healing to do. And maybe it sounds so cliche, but that is what I want to do.  I want to help heal the world. I want it to be a better place, even just a little, because I was here.

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