About Me and My Blog

I have a deeply ingrained urgency to learn. I thirst for knowledge and understanding in nearly every area that I can gain it. Sometimes I think that family and friends end up having a difficult time keeping up with my changing perspectives, because as a result of always gaining new information my views and opinions often need to adapt quickly.

But as I have learned more and more, as I have found so many resources that have impacted me, I thought that there must be other people who would think what I have found has value. Perhaps not everything. Everyone has varying degrees of interest in various topics. But surely there are people who are interested in some of the same topics as me.

So I began this blog. I do write my own posts, when I am able. With homeschooling our three children and learning how to become a self-sustaining family, life is busy. And I am not the most eloquent of writers, nor an expert on many of the topics I write about. 

But what I have done and continue to do is compile lists of links I have come across that impacted me in some way. This is what you will find in the pages on the left side of the screen.

I usually update my Facebook page, www.facebook.com/ahappywholesomelife, with all the new links I add to the pages. You can follow along there.

I have many diverse passions and interests. At least they seem that way. For me, I believe everything in life is interconnected. As I find the connections and live according to the values that instills within me I feel happier and more fulfilled.

I do not always agree with every point made in each link. Occasionally I may not agree with most of it. Sometimes I appreciate the message, but not the the manner of delivery. But I post it because it helped me in breaking downs walls and barriers in my own perception and understanding. They cause me to ask questions and evaluate the information and my own ideas and perspective. Sometimes I find even if I still don't agree with what is shared, my own ideas on the topic change.

It is often said that knowledge is power. I believe that it is not power in and of itself, but it can be empowering. With it comes the freedom to choose. We cannot choose something we do not know exists. It is how we use knowledge that allows us to impact the world. It is our values and and perceptions that decide when we act on knowledge if it is for good or ill. And continual evaluation of each is what decides our character.

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