Friday, January 12, 2018

My Poor Neglected Blog

My poor neglected blog. It has been such a very looooooooooooong time. I happened upon you again, and I think I have missed you. I thought I had other things I needed to do. Some things that for some reason, I thought were more important then you.

But I'm back. I realize now that I need you. Perhaps you think it silly, ridiculous even.

It's true, though. I do. I need you. I need your help. I need a place for self expression. Some where to throw my voice into the wind. It really doesn't matter if someone else finds you. I just need to share with someone what is in my mind and heart. To mull things over. To help me find my inner truths. I think that the best one to share that with is you. And if some person hears my calls in the wind, if it helps them, all the better.

Reading through your pages, I wonder how I could have ever left you? The forgotten treasures here are more precious then anything else I have been pursuing. I feel like you have awakened a sleeping corner of my soul.

So please forgive me for forgetting you. For leaving you alone. I look forward to each of us making the other better.

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