Thursday, February 27, 2014

Singing Again

I started singing again last week. I suppose I started again a while ago. But I decided to earnestly begin to work my voice out and actually get better. I've been trying to make sure I sing for an hour every day, at least 20 minutes of that being time spent on exercises pushing my boundaries. I want to be able to have better range and tone then I ever have. Really, I don't think that will be difficult, since I don't think I have ever focused so specifically on working out my voice. At least, not since I was very young.

It is actually amazing to see my progress.  Already I can tell that my range, control and sound are improving.

I'm not sure why I stopped singing. I had several years where I hardly sang at all. At the time, I was in and out of depression. And I didn't feel as close to my husband either. I suppose I was self conscious. My voice was lost.

But now I have found it again. And I love it.

We'll just see how much everyone living with me can handle it...

Friday, February 21, 2014

Bedtime Confessions

Bedtime is often long for us. In the past it has been frustrating and felt menial. I just want the kids to go to sleep already!

But rarely is it a battle. They happily choose their stories and brush their teeth. The struggles usually only come when favourite nighties are in the dirty laundry.

And then I stay with my children until they fall asleep. Nearly every night. My husband will stay with them some nights, more often when he is working long hours because they miss him. But most of the time they ask me to.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Why...

So my blog. Why? What is the point of doing this?

Well, I love to learn. I love to explore new areas of thought. At least, new for me. I look at all the information out there, the richness of expression that can be experienced and I can't help myself. I just want to soak it all up.
I guess I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and truth.  

Now because I have such a drive to learn a little about anything I can get my hands on, I have a ton of information to that is just sitting there. But I figure I can't be the only one like that out there. I can't be.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

One more time

I am beginning again.... again.  So I know that is my continuing theme here.  I am always starting over. I have been constantly trying to have my fresh start, the one that will finally stick.  And my intentions are always sincere.  I always genuinely mean that I am going to make it a real habit.  But some how, this is always my most common post.  Can I say that this time I really mean it without it being a cliche, guaranteeing my failure?  I believe I can....

I think I can.... I think I can.

I think I can.

Ok so here goes.
