Wednesday, May 21, 2014


This is a little something that I wrote in 2007.

Imagine... I do. I imagine a world of "I am"s. A world with endless possibility. I imagine I know that I have boundless potential. I imagine I have the drive of nothing held back, no inhibitions, because I know that everything I'm striving for is in my best interest; and if it's not, it'll lead me to what is. I imagine I have a life without judgment, my precious resources are not wasted on that. I imagine I allow others to have their judgments without allowing them to influence me. I imagine I choose everything in my life, and it is all there for my greater good; to teach me, to help me grow. I imagine I am an influence for good in every aspect of my life, in every circle of influence I am in. I imagine I reach beyond what others around me can see, and getting there. I imagine I reach for the stars and accept them into my life. I imagine everything in my life is a great gift from God, sent for me to have a beautiful, abundant and prosperous life; and I imagine I openly, freely and gratefully let everything flow into my life. I imagine I always fly on the wings of change and flow; I imagine I am always grounded in knowing and loving myself; I imagine these two are my healthiest states. I imagine I am a strong, powerful and driven woman, whose word is law for myself. I imagine I allow others to have the full capacity of their ability to choose. I imagine I do everything with passion. I imagine I allow myself to feel every emotion that I have, in the very moment I have it, and allowing those around me to see it. I imagine I have life full of love, for myself and everyone around me, and I both receive and give it. I imagine I am a great influence, that every positive thought that I have is of benefit to the world, and every action I take is a movement toward global change. I imagine I am an inspiration, that others see me or the fruits I produce and choose to improve their lives, even if it's just for a moment. I imagine I am a safe place, where I and everyone in my life can be free to be completely themselves. I imagine I have infinite opportunities, and every opportunity I act upon opens the door to another world of infinite opportunities. I imagine I have absolute freedom to choose, in every moment.

Now, imagine replacing every "imagine" there with "believe"... I do. And when I do that, they become my reality.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Cherished Point in Time

My heart has been full today, as I spent time with my family. Mother's Day is a wonderful time for me to reflect on how blessed I am. And it led to poetry! So here is my little attempt at a Mother's Day poem:

A Cherished Point in Time

Laughter and chatter of the day
now quiet, still and innocent
Breathing in the scent
of sun kissed skin
The last smile of the day lingers 
on a sweet mouth
and the corners of closed eyes.
I grasp at the moment,
and feel cheated that it is fleeting,
Knowing the more that I try
to hold it hostage the quicker 
it slips away.
Clutching is fruitless,
as desperate as I might be.
I surrender, 
knowing that to keep it
I must relish it,
Breathe it deeper,
let it seep into my pores,
my heart, 
into my very soul.

By Jenna Kelly

Thursday, May 1, 2014

In Pursuit of True Modesty

I have been pondering something that has been very perplexing for me. I really value modesty. I do. I believe it is a desirable attribute.

But, if it is such a worthwhile virtue, why is it that culturally we only talk about modesty in regards to women, specifically how they dress? If it is so wonderful, why don't we talk about it as universal rather then portray it as specifically for one gender? Aren't virtues applicable to everyone?

I think that most of us have lost what the definition of modesty is. I know that if you had asked me a couple months ago I may have struggled to define it. As a teen, I would have given a dress code.

But modesty is more then just the clothes you wear. It is an attitude, a way of being. It really is a virtue, just like integrity.

I think that other contexts that "modest" is used helps to find its true definition. Someone of modest means, or someone takes a compliment modestly. The people who come to mind when these phrases are used are likely good examples to use when thinking of modesty. They recognize what respect is and how to show it.