Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Beautiful Birth

"The birth buzz."  That's what Steve, my husband called it, when he looked at my face 20 minutes ago.  I can feel this quiet, but energetic excitement bubbling up from deep inside me, and it must showing on my face.  The awe inspiring feeling of watching and supporting the strength a mother has as she brings forward and welcomes into the world that miracle of miracles, her new child.  It's so much bigger then me.  And I think that I might be hooked.

7 months ago my friend Susie approached me and told me that she was 9 weeks pregnant and asked if I would support her during her labour.  I was so taken aback by her request, I felt like she may have thought that I didn't want to.  I was so happy for her, knowing how hard the last couple of years had been as she lost one baby, and had been trying to conceive again.  But then she caught me by surprise.  I had never attended in person someone else's birth, though I have friends I have supported on the phone during labour and I have wanted to attend a birth for some time.  I wasn't sure of my own abilities.  So I stuttered and stammered that I would be willing to do that for her, but that I hadn't finished any training at all.  Her request was an honour.

As her pregnancy went by, our communication waned, especially after I conceived as well, and the throws of morning sickness hit hard.  So i talked to her even less.  Finally, at her baby shower 4 days ago, I asked her if she had found a doula to support her at all. She said she hadn't, and I offered to support her.  I was thrilled to have her say she would love that, and she hadn't been sure about approaching me about it again.

This morning at around 9 she posted on Facebook that she thought things may be moving along, but I didn't hear from her.  So around 11 i called to see how she was doing.  She said she was fine, just bustling around trying to get some things done.  Nothing she couldn't handle.  I told her to call as soon as she needed me.  She didn't call again until 8:30, when they were leaving for the hospital.

Tonight was beautiful.  Susie was amazing, she laboured so well, and I supported her as well as I could as the midwives bustled around the room preparing everything.  Her husband, Scott sat by and quietly all the proceedings that went on.   I watched her as the contractions built up in intensity leading her to her baby.  She stayed so calm, in her world of her body, her baby and birth.  Just as her little one was crowning the bag of waters burst, and slowly a little head was pushed through.  I continued to rub Susie back as she leaned on the raised back of the bed and pushed through each contraction to bring her baby into the world.  The baby's head came through, and with one more push her body fell into the midwives' waiting hands.  Susie leaned against the bed for a moment to catch her breath, and then the midwife helped move little baby Caroline between Susie's legs as she moved back to see her baby for the first time.  Her soft exclamation of at seeing her baby was so moving. it was so sweet to see her start to bring her up to her chest and cradle her for the first time, to listen to how being close to her mother calmed Caroline so much.  To see the joy of holding her baby on Susie's face.  They laid together for a while, as the placenta was delivered and the midwife checked that all else was well with Susie.  Scott came over to see his little daughter and be with Susie.  I left after finding Susie some food in the fridge, with her nursing Caroline, as she and Scott began to spread the happy news to their friends and family.

Everything moved so quickly.  Susie was there at 9, I got there about 15 minutes later, and Caroline was born at 10:17.

I feel so happy for Susie, for how well everything went, and that she has been able to welcome her beautiful healthy baby girl into the world in such a beautiful way. I am so honoured that she wanted me to come and help her.   Now that i've had this quiet excitement settle into my heart, I think that I won't be able to get enough of it.

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